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My First Incoming Link!!

After 2 weeks online, and still trying to find my place in the blogosphere, Tom Graves gives me my first incoming link to this blog.  I made a comment on Luis Suarez’s excellent post a few days ago, and Tom read my comment and included it in an article of his own.

Big thanks Tom! 

And now I really see how this all starts to work.  You really have no clue how it works until you just start doing it.  Unfortunately, if you are actually reading this, you probably already get it.  Now of course that is a good thing, but one of my goals for this blog is to try and get people on the bandwagon wrt to Social Media and the amazing thing it is, the amazing learning opportunity that it is, and the amazing connections that you can make. 

I am now following Tom’s blog, he sounds like an interesting fellow, and maybe he is following mine.  (I just checked, according to feedburner, 4 people are following me – thanks to Brian and Scott, the third one is me, and thanks to the fourth – whoever you are)  Back to my point, I think I have one, the more people that are following my blog, the more content I want to spit out, because I want to keep those 4 people coming back.  Luis keeps coming up with great posts, his latest here almost had me on the ground.  I always look forward to his posts and he never disappoints.  Was that my point? – no, my point was that I can really see this spiralling and growing exponentially, growing my readers and coming up with some great content that people will comment on and want to keep coming back.

My current goal is still to try to write and aggregate content that will help people embrace the social web, and help them figure out how they can make it valuable for themselves.  I find myself talking more and more about it to people and getting the eye roll and the waste of time comments, but those people don’t understand the impact Social Media is having, and are afraid to change, and are afraid to take the time required to get it.

I love a challenge!

Posted in 2.0 Lessons, Social Media.

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